If you are making a military DITY move, you should take advantage of free Dity move calculators on the web so that you can get a better idea of the costs that you should expect to incur during your move. For those who do not know, a military do it yourself (Dity) move is a government reimbursement program that military members can voluntarily participate in when they must relocate. Moving, even military moving, can be very stressful; so stressful, in fact, that most people list it just after death and divorce as the most stressful thing that they have been through in their lives. If you need some help with your military Dity move, you should take advantage of this reimbursement program so that you can get some of your Government Constructed Cost (GCC) reimbursed. GCC is defined as the amount that the government would have to pay to move your belongings during a government procured move, which goes up to, but not exceeding, your authorized weight allowance. Military families move about once every three years, on average, so, when you have a move coming up, make sure to take advantage of military DITY move reimbursement programs.
You might not know it, but you can use the military DITY move program in conjunction with other programs, such as the Government Bill of Lading (GBL), to help make your move easier on you. Make sure that, before you start your military move, you do some research and find out all you can about the military DITY move programs of which you can take advantage to take some of the pressure off of you and your family. The more prep you can do for your military DITY move, the better off you will be when the big day comes for you and your family members to relocate.