A military dity move can occur whether you are getting temporary duty (TDY), temporary additional duty (TAD), or permanent change of station (PCS). A military move handled on your own is not suggested for overseas locations, however they can give you some extra spending money if you plan properly. A move can be stressful for those in the military as well as civilians, so be sure you utilize a DITY move calculator so that you can plan your transition properly.
Military moving is easiest when you can plan ahead and have a solid understanding of what sort of requirements your move will call for. You should also have a solid sense of what kind of expenses are not authorized for a DITY move, including auto transportation, insurance fees, sales tax, meals, and lodging. A DITY move calculator will help you plan your budget and give you the ability to spend your money wisely.
A great thing about the DITY move program is that you can use it in conjunction with other programs. You can ship household goods on a GBL, or Government Bill of Lading, and the rest using your DITY move program. The right kind of DITY move calculator will be invaluable in your efforts to get settled in a new place as quickly as possible. Make sure that you find an excellent tool that will help you weigh the expenses of your move the right way and net some extra money for you and your family.
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