Are you considering LASIK eye surgery MN? Whiting Clinic helps to make LASIK eye surgery Minneapolis an affordable option for patients. There are a variety of options to explore in regards to how to go about funding LASIK eye surgery MN. For example, you might consider using the funds in a Flexible Spending Account (FSA) or Health Savings Account (HSA) to fund your Minneapolis LASIK. An FSA or HSA uses pre tax or tax deferred funds to pay for health related expenses like Lasik surgery minneapolis that aren’t always covered by health insurance plans.
An FSA allows you to designate a specific percentage of each paycheck to be deducted before taxes. These funds can be used for a variety of different health related expenses, and at any time within the calendar year. Though it is important to keep in mind that the funds do expire at the end of the year. Though an HSA is another type of savings account, these funds do roll over from year to year and therefore unspent funds can accumulate over time. Investing in an HSA is similar to investing in an individual retirement account, and money can be withdrawn at any time for any reason. However, your best financing option will depend on your specific insurance plan and savings account, so make sure to talk to your HR or benefits department if you’re considering LASIK eye surgery MN.
If you’re interested in laser eye surgery Minneapolis you will probably want to schedule a free LASIK eye surgery MN candidacy exam. This candidacy examine will help you to determine the exact cost of your Lasik minneapolis. In addition, the staff at Whiting Clinic can work with you to help you plan your procedure for a time that works within your schedule and budget. They can also answer any questions you may have about financing options.