The current median home price for homes for sale in Norfolk VA is $167,570. This is an increase of 5.7 percent over what the average home prices were in April 2012. Two of the most popular neighborhoods to look for homes for sale in norfolk va are East Ocean View and Ghent. The homes for sale in these neighborhoods are listing right now for an average price of $392,150 to $426,702. No matter which neighborhood you choose to look for homes for sale in Norfolk VA, you are sure to find homes that you will love.
If you are thinking of living near the ocean and you are thinking of buying a new home in Norfolk, you will be happy with your options. There are many excellent homes for sale in norfolk va with beach front access. You do not have to buy a home right on the beach though. There are some great other neighborhoods a little further inland to check out when you are looking for homes for sale Norfolk Virginia too.
When shopping for a new home, do not neglect looking at the gorgeous homes for sale chesapeake va too. In fact, investing in real estate Chesapeake VA or even real estate Virginia Beach is a wise move right now. The interest rates are still low so now is a good time to buy homes for sale in Norfolk VA. If Virginia Beach is more to your liking you will also be happy with the homes for sale Virginia Beach today.